August Stars In and Out of a Grey or Silvery Dissolution is a companion download to Invisible in the Dusk. Both releases take their titles from lines, or perhaps more appropriately, fragmented lines in the Ted Hughes poem "Rain". The cover art is a black and white detail of an in progress painting by Sean Madner. Sean was originally creating the artwork for the abandoned EP Drawn Away.
In and Out of a Grey or Silvery Dissolution includes the recordings omitted from Invisible in the Dusk, demos recorded during the same period, alternative versions and three tracks salvaged from the Drawn Away EP.
It will be available for free download from Monday 21st November 2011.
1. Distant Hills (1)
2. Lighthouse (Dusk)
3. Grantchester Meadows
4. Sunlit Autumn
5. Bleak December (Quiet Version)
6. Forest (2005 Version)
7. Steel Bank
8. Cambridge Street
9. On Leaving Sheffield Station
10. Low Frequency Test
11. In the Hour Before Dawn
12. The Landscape of North East Derbyshire and South Yorkshire (Alternative Version)
1 and 7 omitted from Invisible in the Dusk; 2, 3, 4 from the Drawn Away EP recorded between 2002 and 2004; 5 and 12 alternative versions of tracks on Invisible in the Dusk; 8, 9, 10, 11 demos recorded between autumn 2005 and spring 2006; 6 a re-recording of a pre-August Stars track written in the late 1990s.
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